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Taras Evseev
Taras Evseev

Where To Buy A Pet Parrot ((TOP))

Parrots are incredibly intelligent creatures and can rapidly get bored in captivity. What is more, most parrots are very sociable creatures and will be seen spending time together in the wild. This means that parrots require considerable personal time each week.

where to buy a pet parrot


The caring parrot owner should be ready and available to spend quality time with their bird every single day, and to provide a continually-rotating selection of toys to keep life interesting. Can you realistically afford 30-60 minutes every day to spend with your pet parrot?

While a large budget may be necessary for day-to-day care, it is still not an alternative to pet insurance. While pet parrots often cannot be insured through traditional providers, a limited number of companies are willing to provide coverage for exotic pets like parrots. To start your search consider specialists like E&L or Exotic Direct.

While you may be lucky enough to locate one, most parrot owners need to choose between no holiday at all, a staycation or leaving their bird with an understanding family member. Make sure you have a plan in place before bringing your bird home, because once you have they are your sole responsibility.

There are several good reasons to adopt a bird rather than buy one. First, it's the right thing to do because commercial breeding operations are flooding the market with exotic pet birds, many of whom end up in rescue groups when consumers realize the complexities of caring for these animals. If you buy a parrot from either a pet shop or a breeder, it simply makes the problem worse. By adopting rather than buying a parrot, you help reduce the demand that drives the commercial breeding of pet birds.

If you are interested in adopting from the Parrot Garden, all our available parrots can be found at The first step is to submit an application and we will contact you with additional resources and information. You can contact us at

Like greys, amazons and cockatoos they will feather pluck if their environment is lacking. Their cost and the expenses of providing suitable accommodation puts them out of reach of most parrot lovers.

Advances in nutritional studies and a better understanding of parrot behaviour has resulted in increasing life spans for captive birds. However many parrots still die younger because of nutritional deficiencies or avoidable accidents.

Bringing a healthy bird into your home, selecting an avian vet and acquiring as much information as possible on parrots in general, and your species in particular, will increase your chances of a long lived bird.

Parrots of all types are attractive and rewarding birds to keep, but the requirements for their management and the demands made on their owners can be very different from those of other birds or livestock. They are highly intelligent, and therefore easily bored; they can be both noisy and destructive; and the larger breeds have a potentially long life span. It is therefore important to be sure that you really want a parrot and can offer the necessary commitment to its upkeep before plunging into purchase. In other words, never buy on impulse.

First of all, consider your own requirements. Do you want a single pet bird as a companion, that will reward you with endless hours of fun and enjoyment watching its antics and listening to its remarkable talking abilities? Or do you perhaps want a small variety of parrots in indoor cages or aviaries, that will keep each other company and make an attractive collection? They may even breed given the right conditions. Please do not try to choose your pet to match the decor, or worse still go to the extremes of one gentleman that I saw spend two hours looking round the display of cages at a Bird Centre, leafing through catalogues and talking to staff. He was looking for a particular ornate stylish cage that he thought would look well in his living room, and only then having chosen the cage did he even consider the apparent afterthought of what sort of bird may be suitable to go in it!

You may want to progress to the keeping of Parrots outdoors in aviaries or specialist houses with the hope of breeding these birds. You could opt for 'near natural' aviaries with flights open to the elements, or go to the opposite extreme with closed and secure purpose-built housing with internally controlled lighting, heating, humidity, and ventilation. Both these require time, space and considerable financial resources. Be warned - parrot keeping is a disease! - I have met many clients who have started with one or two small pet birds, and have rapidly progressed to keeping more and larger species, and have eventually had to move to accommodate their growing collection.

If you seriously intend to keep larger parrots with the intention of breeding them, I would submit that those people who have first kept and reared smaller species such as budgerigars, cockatiels, and grass parakeets are likely to be more successful than those that jump straight into keeping large birds. There are many mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned in aviculture, especially if one moves on to incubation and hand-rearing, and mistakes made with larger parrots can be very expensive lessons. It is far better to gain experience of the pitfalls first with the easier and cheaper species. These remarks are in no way intended to belittle the efforts of the thousands of bird keepers who successfully keep and breed such species, most of whom are incredibly knowledgeable about their stock; it is purely common sense in that if losses are to occur, it is better to start with birds that can be replaced with a few tens of pounds, rather than to lose a parrot that could have cost several thousand pounds.

Having decided what sort of parrot keeping you wish to do, next consider your environment and lifestyle to see if they will suit your birds. All birds require space to exercise and spread their wings, and obviously the larger the bird the bigger will have to be the necessary cage or aviary, and the more birds you have the more living area will be required. An apparently obvious fact, but something that people don't always seem to consider. If you expect to have your pet out of its cage at times on a stand or even free flying, think of all the possible hazards to the bird such as other animals, fires, children, house plants that could be poisonous, cookers, doors, windows and the like. Conversely, consider the damage the bird could do to your home in chewing woodwork, wallpaper, plants or knocking down precious ornaments!

Think also of your neighbours - large parrots, especially Amazons and Cockatoos, are very noisy. Their twice daily periods of vocalization at dawn and early evening can be a joy to hear to those who love birds and appreciate that they are merely expressing their health and happiness, but it can be a great strain on a relationship with your neighbours. Thus if you live in terraced or semi-detached suburbia, your choice of bird may have to be very different to what you could have if you live in a detached property in acres of land. One must also accept the fact that indoor birds will want to join in with their 'singing' when you plug in the vacuum cleaner, or settle down to watch television!

As I mentioned earlier, parrots are highly intelligent creatures, and as such require a lot of both mental and physical stimulation. It is therefore important to consider how much time you have available to spend with your bird(s). A single pet tame bird will require a lot of human contact, and a busy family household where there is activity much of the time is likely to be better for it than a lonely existence with a single person who spends all day at work. If the bird is left it should be provided with safe toys to play with - these need be nothing more complex than a papier-mache egg box or a block of hard wood, and a radio should be left playing. If one is regularly out for long periods, then it is probably better to have two or three birds together for companionship. At the other end of the scale, if you have several aviaries of breeding birds, the time taken to feed and properly care for them can be considerable. One has to ensure that this can be accommodated, plus the special arrangements that will be needed to cover absence for holidays or illness.

Yet another important factor in your choice of bird is expense - how much money do you have available or are willing to spend not only on the bird but also on the necessary accessories such as food and housing? We have several times met people who will happily spend hundreds of pounds on the bird of their choice, but then will baulk at paying a reasonable price to get it a decent cage, or even will not buy a padlock to secure the door of its aviary! Parrots are not cheap pets, and the rapid rise in prices of recent years shows no sign of slowing down. Legal importation has now ceased, while the popularity of parrot keeping has increased, and like anything that acquires a scarcity value the parrot immediately commands a higher price. The keeping of several parrots with their associated housing can easily run into an investment of several thousand pounds.

We still have not yet gone out to buy your parrot, but there is one more thing to do before we take that step - read up about the subject and talk to other bird keepers. There are many excellent books available about bird keeping, and if you have actually chosen a particular pet there are some devoted to single species. Reading and talking to people who have been through it before can help avoid some of the easy mistakes and pitfalls that can occur in aviculture. I repeat what I said earlier do not just buy a parrot on impulse as you pass a pet shop window, but then anyone who is likely to do that is not going to be reading this article in the first place.

So, at last, having decided that you really can keep a bird properly, and have chosen a suitable species, where do you go to get your pet? There is a choice of a friend, a bird breeder or dealer, advertisers in magazines or journals, or a pet shop. If you are lucky enough to have a friend who has introduced you to bird keeping, and who perhaps has some surplus stock, then you will know the birds and their upbringing. You will know how they are fed and housed, and can ensure that there is no dramatic change in husbandry which could stress the bird. With a bit of luck you will also have a friend on hand who will continue to give you advice and support as you progress in bird keeping. 041b061a72


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